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Wet Nursing is a practice for many White Mothers who wanted to  avoid breastfeeding allowing them to maintain their figure while avoiding the “messy” part of motherhood.  At the time women who were seen breastfeeding were often seen as poor and or uncultured due to what they were told by doctors at the time.  This led to the forcing of slave mothers to breastfeed their white children for a better chance of surviving early childhood.  It became very popular and once a Slave Mother had a child, she was then assigned to a white mother forced to breastfeed her white baby instead of her own. This led to Black Mothers neglecting their own children leading to emotional trauma due to nutritional neglect of their own and being unable to bond with their baby.  Today we celebrate the last day of Black Breastfeeding week an experience that every Black Mother should have a fair chance at.


Although, we have come along way as Black people there is still so much that is indirectly taken from us due to how the system is set up especially in America. Although, breastfeeding may not be for everyone, I hope that you will try it before you dismiss it.  Let me share some benefits for both Mommy and Baby.


-A child’s chance of survival increases through breastfeeding

-A mom’s risk of ovarian and breast cancer reduces

-A child’s immune system is boosted

-breastmilk alters every day to meet a baby’s needs

-a hormone is released through breastfeeding that’s calming for mom and baby

-breastfeeding burns up to 500 calories

-natural form of immunity

-helps get back uterus to normal size

-increases heart health


Some herbs that increase breastmilk supply include ginger, turmeric, red raspberry tea, & blessed thistle. Some that dry up milk supply include peppermint, oregano, and basil.


Once upon a time our ancestors were unable to Breastfeed, and many babies paid the price due to neglect.   I hope that when you take breastfeeding into consideration you will remember this is not just in honor of them but to increase your child’s lifespan.!9048!3!379852267138!b!!g!!%2Bbreast%20%2Bfeeding%20%2Bbenefit&ds_c=gg+-+What+We+Do&ds_ag=gg+-+breastfeeding&ds_k=%2Bbreast+%2Bfeeding+%2Bbenefit&gclid=Cj0KCQjwv7L6BRDxARIsAGj-34pXsdmybehJ1sFhJLEu4ExBK-z91l1LibFQnjDz2sRDt1BF6nTs6z4aApkUEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds